Master the Art of Making Hudut and Sere: A Taste of Belizean Tradition

Setting your sights on cooking Belizean cuisine, you start by making Sere, a traditional Belize fish soup. You will need 2 medium-sized fish, 1/2 an onion sliced and cut in half, 2 plugs of garlic minced, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 can or 1 1/2 cups of coconut milk, 1 1/2 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper, and 1 whole Habanero pepper (optional). You can also add your desired spices to taste.

To make the Sere, you clean, core, and season the fish with salt and pepper, and set it aside. Then, you heat the coconut oil in a pot and add onions and garlic along with your desired seasoning, including salt and black pepper. You sauté for a few minutes and add the coconut milk and water. Stir and add the fish. Let it set for a few minutes until it starts heating up. At this point, you will constantly need to use a spoon to stir the milk. Do not stir the fish, but keep the milk in constant movement with the spoon. The milk will start to curdle if you do not maintain the constant motion. You can turn the fish after one side is cooked. Let the soup continue boiling and bubbling until the fish is cooked and the soup is thickened. Taste for flavor, and add salt and pepper to taste. 5 minutes before you turn off the stove, add the Habanero pepper to the soup – ensure the pepper is whole and do not break it open.

After the soup is thickened, you remove 1/4 cup and add it to the plantains in the food processor. To make Hudut, you peel and cut 2 green plantains and 2 half-ripe plantains. Each plantain should be cut into three or four pieces. You put the green plantains to boil first in 8 cups of water. After they are halfway done, you add the half-ripe plantains. Let all plantains boil until they are fully cooked. Remove them from the water and put them in the food processor. Let them cool a little before processing. You will need to process after Sere is made because you will need 1/4 cup of Sere to add to plantains before processing. Pulse at the beginning, and after, just process until it is the consistency you prefer.

Now you have successfully made Hudut and Sere, a traditional Belizean meal. You can enjoy your delicious Garifuna meal, and experience the rich culture of Belize. This recipe is from Taste of Belize in LA, and it is a great way to taste the tradition of Belize. You can serve Hudut and Sere with your favorite side dishes, and share it with your family and friends. Happy cooking, and enjoy your Belizean meal!

1 thought on “Master the Art of Making Hudut and Sere: A Taste of Belizean Tradition”

  1. Avatar photo
    Oaklynn Oketch

    Cooking Sere sounds like a delightful dive into Belizean culture! I love the idea of using coconut milk as a base—it really adds a unique depth of flavor. I remember trying a similar fish soup during a trip to Belize, where the freshness of the fish made it all the more delicious.

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